Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Sitting at Jeffrey Sachs feet

In preparation for my tour in West Africa, I have been meeting with folks courting resources and money for our work on the ground. I also have been re-reading Sachs' The End of Poverty. Jeffrey Sachs is a noted scholar on the topic of eradicating extreme poverty. His work with Bono is fantastic. I will soon post a few of my findings in his book. More to come...Stay tuned...


Thursday, October 8, 2009

Jim Dotson (Executive Director, He Sent Me) installs first HSM turbine at headquarters


Wind turbine is installed at He Sent Me headquarters - Channel 13, Orlando News interview

http://www.cfnews13.com/MediaPlayer2/MediaPlayer.htm?video=0929WindTurbine_092920090700&cat=Local&title=Wind Turbine

Great story, Channel 13! Thank you for the fantastic coverage.

Site for written story: http://www.cfnews13.com/News/Local/2009/9/29/wind_helping_resident_knock_electric_rate_down.html

Orlando Sentinel Front Page


This was the first of a wave of press coverage for He Sent Me, the missions group I am partnered with to bring sustainable energy to the West African people. Thank you Kevin Spear (Orlando Sentinel) for your excellent journalism.

Tuesday, October 6, 2009

Preface to the journey

Welcome to the online journal of my travels to West Africa. I will be in country between 1 and 15 December. My Associate, Jim, and I are working to bring renewable energy (wind and solar resources) to the people of West Africa. For operational security reasons, I will not go into detail of our itinerary or location until I return. I appreciate your enduring support in this assignment. Frequently check this journal for updates, photos, videos, and so forth to keep abreast of how you can make a difference in this severely under-developed region of our planet.

Warmest Regards,

John Ross Pughe